By using the AI-based diva-e technology intelliAd, A.T.U achieves its targeted cost-turnover ratio, saves valuable resources through automation and increases conversion rates, impressions and clicks in a targeted manner.
Increase in SEA performance
Bid Management with intelliAd
With total sales of over one billion euros per year, A.T.U. is the market leader in German automotive service. A.T.U.'s recipe for success is based on all-round service for motorists, which is guaranteed by the combination of cross-brand service and integrated specialist store. A.T.U. is constantly adapting to changing customer needs.
To stay ahead in a dynamic market, A.T.U relies on innovative technology from diva-e. A.T.U.'s goals:
save time and costs
increase SEA performance through automated bid management.
A.T.U. relies on strong partners like diva-e and Spryker to optimize its own performance. The AI-based diva-e technology intelliAd supports A.T.U. in efficient bidding and the best possible distribution of its own SEA budget.
The intelliAd bidding algorithm, which has won several awards, is used to achieve the company's own SEA performance targets. With the bid management tool of the Munich-based tech company, A.T.U. flexibly defines individual campaign targets. For their focus keywords, the experts at A.T.U. rely on the "revenue maximization" strategy and a defined maximum cost-turnover ratio (CTR): The system optimizes on the basis of the sales achieved and within the available budget until the desired target KUR is reached. Keywords with a very good KUR are given special focus by the algorithm. A.T.U. uses diva-e tech for fully automated budget management to actively redistribute the daily budgets of the campaigns in the most efficient way between the campaigns.
Thanks to the intelliAd technology from diva-e, holistic partner in digital business and e-commerce, A.T.U. can take recurring seasonalities into account in the course of bid adjustments by defining a factor for each relevant calendar week by which the current conversion rate is multiplied. The factor defined by A.T.U. flows into the calculation of the maximum CPC at keyword level. By taking expected conversion rates into account, the algorithm can work even more effectively when setting bids: Bids tend to be increased more strongly from the desired point in time, and the number of conversions is increased and the CPO reduced as a result of the conversion rate, which also increases.
By using intelligent technology, A.T.U. achieves the best performance, its own SEA goals and time savings for content and strategic campaign optimization. The automotive market leader starts the winter tire season strongly with the focus keywords strategy: A.T.U. achieves the targeted CUR, lowers the CPO by a full 88 percent and increases sales, the conversion rate, impressions and clicks.