Evaluation and integration of the Google Site Search Alternative Cludo

ERGO (früher ERGO Direkt)

Cludo replaces Google search function

With Google's announcement that it was discontinuing the Google Site Search (GSS) search function that could be integrated, the search for a suitable replacement began for the direct insurer ERGO (formerly ERGO Direkt). pro!vision - a subsidiary of diva-e - took on the analysis and evaluation of a suitable search technology for the external website search for ERGO (formerly ERGO Direkt). The goal was to replace the existing search with largely unchanged functionality in order to offer users the same convenience as before. diva-e found what it was looking for with the search function from the manufacturer Cludo. The cloud-based search technology offered a comparable range of performance and functions and represented an alternative to the GSS. diva-e then took over the integration of the Cludo search function into the system of ERGO (formerly ERGO Direkt) and took care of the configuration of the new search.


Alternative without losses

ERGO (formerly ERGO Direkt) wanted an external search that would be as powerful, performant and reliable as Google Site Search. Ideally, the new search function should be cloud-based. At the same time, the new search should be compatible with the ERGO (formerly ERGO Direkt) specific configurations of the search function that were already in use.


Requirements for the selection

In order to determine a suitable search function, various selection criteria were defined.

  • The integration and maintenance of the cloud search should be possible with as little effort as possible.

  • The solution was not allowed to have a negative influence on the external Google search.

  • It should be possible to exclude individual pages from the search via a configuration.

  • The ranking of the hits should be able to be controlled, among other things, by the priority of a page in the CMS AEM page properties.

  • Frequent keywords in titles, headings, image titles and texts should positively influence the ranking.

  • Linked PDF documents should be searchable.

  • Ideally, the new search should include fuzzy search functionality.

  • It should be possible to continue using the existing autocomplete function, which is based on a variable concept. If the new search function should have its own autocomplete function, it should be possible to switch it off.


New cloud-based search technology

diva-e supported ERGO (formerly ERGO Direkt) in selecting an alternative to Google Site Search (GSS). For the evaluation of the search technology, ERGO (formerly ERGO Direkt) had already pre-selected vendors: Algolia, Swiftype and Cludo. diva-e supplemented this list with additional providers such as AddSearch, Site Search 360 and Sajari. Based on the requirements, diva-e identified Cludo as the most suitable provider. diva-e then took over the implementation and configuration of the new cloud-based search technology Cludo in AEM. In parallel, diva-e supported the insurance company in upgrading from AEM 6.0 to version 6.2.

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