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AI  | 17 May 2024

Everyone talks about AI

But what does this mean for companies?

Porträt von Nico Lumma
Nico Lumma

Technological development happens in waves. Initially, a new technology is introduced, and then it is further developed and utilized over time. It can take years or even decades from the first release to widespread use. After OpenAI introduced ChatGPT-3, it took just under two months to reach 100 million users.

An AI Strategy Is No Longer Optional

This growth is breathtaking and has led the tech industry to experience its most significant upheaval since the introduction of the iPhone and app stores. Major tech companies like Apple, Meta, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have allocated hundreds of billions of dollars to remain or become leaders in the development of artificial intelligence. Consequently, many companies face the challenge of developing a strategy to manage AI. It is almost certain that Big Tech's market power will ensure that the pace of AI development will not slow down in the near future, and efforts to develop new products to capture markets will continue.

Since the introduction of ChatGPT-3 in November 2022, both large and small companies have witnessed the transformative power of new generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI). Many established processes can be rethought and simplified thanks to Generative AI. This presents many opportunities for companies and will likely lead to the redefinition of numerous job descriptions. One thing is clear: humans will not be replaced by AI; instead, new surges in productivity will be enabled. This brings the responsibility for companies to implement AI promptly to avoid being left behind in the market.

To learn how your digital transformation can be supported by the use of AI, check out the diva-e Whitepaper on Digital Transformation in the Age of AI.

This is why diva-e has developed the diva-e AI Hub as a new offering, allowing companies to benefit from AI without being overwhelmed by its complexity.

Bots, Automation, OpenAI – What Exactly Does AI Encompass?

Artificial intelligence is a very vague term and is interpreted in various ways. Some currently understand it as an interactive bot that acts as a kind of assistant in a dialogue, while others see it as a large system that can process and utilize vast amounts of data automatically. Therefore, it is useful to fundamentally approach the new possibilities of Generative AI to gain a better understanding of what this new technology can mean for companies. It is important to note that artificial intelligence does not improve productivity at the push of a button; specific requirements necessitate specialized solutions. When we look at the current AI landscape, we see not only OpenAI and many of the "usual suspects" but also some newcomers in the market.

To get a fundamental understanding, let’s clarify what Generative AI is and what it isn’t. Generative AI encompasses AI technologies that specialize in generating new data that resembles data created by humans. This includes the creation of texts, images, music, and videos using machine learning, particularly through deep neural networks. These technologies learn from a large amount of example data, identify patterns and dependencies within it, and use these insights to independently generate content that can be useful in specific contexts, such as entertainment, marketing, or automated customer interaction. Generally, the better these systems are trained for a specific application, the better the results. However, it is also possible for AI to experience "hallucinations," where it goes astray, much like humans can with their thought processes.

What are the Next Milestones After ChatGPT, DALL-E & Co.?

OpenAI has made a name for itself in Generative AI with advanced models like GPT-3/GPT-4 and DALL-E. These models are leaders in text generation and image synthesis, with GPT-4 creating comprehensive texts based on input prompts and DALL-E generating realistic images from descriptions. OpenAI has secured a prominent position in the industry through the broad applicability of its technology, from automating customer service to creating artistic content. Experts universally agree that GPT-5 will be another milestone in AI development at the time of its release.

AI Integrations by Major Players

Microsoft, in partnership with OpenAI, has also made significant advancements in Generative AI. Microsoft integrates AI models like GPT-3/GPT-4 into its product range to enhance services such as Azure AI, allowing customers to develop their own applications using these AI technologies. Additionally, Microsoft offers solutions for enterprises to utilize their own data and train specialized models, which is particularly useful in personalizing user experiences and automating business processes.

Google is also making a strong impact with its Gemini model. This model is particularly leading in natural language processing and is closely integrated with Google’s search technology to improve relevance and answer accuracy. Google leverages the wide availability of its TensorFlow platform to facilitate the development of generative models by researchers and developers. In this context, is interesting as it reinterprets AI-powered search and directly competes with Google.

Apart from the big names, there are specialized companies like Adobe, which offers AI-powered functions for image editing in its creative tools like Photoshop, and Salesforce and SAP, which use AI to enhance CRM and ERP systems with automated insights and recommendations. New players such as Aleph Alpha and Mistral in Europe, as well as Meta with its investments in AI research and application in social media and the open-source-based Llama models, are expanding the field. These companies differ in their target markets, the specific problems they address, and the technological approaches they adopt to deploy Generative AI and make it usable for their customers.

The Biggest Challenges in Implementing AI

This diversity in the AI field, combined with a rapid development pace, presents numerous challenges for companies in developing an effective AI strategy, starting with the fundamental need to build the right understanding and expertise. Many organizations struggle with a lack of internal expertise in artificial intelligence, making it difficult to understand and leverage the potential and limitations of the technology. Elon Musk recently offered an annual salary of $800,000 for new employees at his company AiX, highlighting the intense competition for AI developers. Additionally, it is crucial to establish a data-oriented culture since AI systems heavily rely on the quality and availability of data. Without a solid data infrastructure and a culture that promotes data-driven decision-making, it is challenging to implement and utilize AI effectively.

Another major hurdle in developing an AI strategy is integrating AI into existing business processes. Many companies find it difficult to identify suitable use cases that genuinely add value. The challenge is to see AI not just as a tool for automated tasks but as an integral component that can enhance the strategic direction and competitiveness of the company and increase productivity. This requires close collaboration between technical teams and business units to ensure that the implemented AI solutions actually support and improve business goals. Often, adjusting the company's structure and processes is also necessary to fully exploit the possibilities of artificial intelligence.

Finally, companies must consider ethical considerations and compliance requirements when deploying AI. The increasing regulation in the AI field, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU, imposes strict requirements on handling personal data and the transparency of AI systems. Companies must ensure that their AI strategies are not only technically and economically viable but also ethically acceptable and legally compliant. This may involve developing guidelines for the ethical use of AI, training models to avoid bias, and implementing mechanisms to monitor and explain AI decisions to build trust and acceptance among stakeholders.

An AI Hub as an Agile Transformation Tool

Given the difficulty of addressing these challenges under current market pressures, diva-e is taking a completely new approach with the AI Hub. We offer specialized solutions for the challenges companies face by leveraging powerful startups. The advantages are clear: startups are small, agile units with strong tech expertise, often founded due to insights into process inefficiencies in one or more industries. While these startups may not provide 100% of the solution a company desires, their solutions are available and comprehensive enough to quickly realize efficiency gains.

The approach of the diva-e AI Hub is tailored to the needs of companies seeking a solution for a specific issue. After an initial assessment, either existing startups from the AI Hub are utilized, or additional startups are scouted to meet the high-quality standards of the diva-e AI Hub. This quality gate ensures that the solutions deployed meet customer requirements and offer future compatibility. It's important to note that the diva-e AI Hub combines market pull and technology push strategies. This means that customer requests are addressed, and customers are also informed about new developments that could be ideal solutions for their business challenges. Most importantly, diva-e not only provides suitable startups that enable new AI solutions for companies but also implements these solutions. This minimizes the usual friction that occurs when a small startup and an established company collaborate, focusing on positive project outcomes.

With the diva-e AI Hub, the significant challenge of the rapidly changing AI landscape is transformed into a targeted implementation platform that will quickly lead to successes in handling Generative AI.

Porträt von Nico Lumma

Nico Lumma

Nico Lumma is Managing Partner of NMA Venture Capital GmbH in Hamburg and has not been offline since 1995. Nico has been investing and working with AI startups and bringing them together with established companies for more than 8 years. Together with diva-e, he is building the diva-e AI Hub to make AI-driven innovation accessible to diva-e's customers.

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