Porträt von Dorothee Haensch

Dorothee Haensch

About the author

Dorothee Haensch has been a Senior Marketing Manager at diva-e since 2023. As an expert for content in the software sector, she gets to the bottom of the requirements of different industries and creates content that helps companies solve current problems and master future challenges.

Dorothee Haensch Articles

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Ältere Frau mit Brille lächelnd am Laptop
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News & Trends  | 26 Aug 2024
Digital accessibility will no longer be optional by 2025
The internet and information technologies enable quick and easy access to information, communication, entertainment and consumer offers - even on the move via smartphone. The use of web content in both private and professional contexts is now an important part of life and the world of work - provided you have the privilege of being able to use this content without restrictions. Digital inclusion is an issue that is not yet part of the standard digital platforms and services.
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch
Frau und Mann sitzen an einem Schreibtisch
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Transformation  | 29 Feb 2024
Approaching Change Management Correctly
Strategic change management has become a critical success factor for companies in today's constantly changing world, as technologies evolve, customer needs shift, and new competitors enter the market.
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch
Menschen im Büro
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Transformation  | 29 Feb 2024
Agile change management
Strategic change management has become an important success factor for companies in today's ever-changing world, as technologies evolve, customer needs change and new competitors enter the market.
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch
Ein Mann mit Warnkleidung hält ein iPad in der Hand, neben ihm steht eine Frau mit VR Brille. Die Personen befinden sich auf einer Baustelle.
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B2B  | 1 Nov 2023
The metaverse - a revolution for B2B processes?
Traditional sales channels such as trade fairs, customer dialog, product demos and B2B advertising are the basis for B2B trade. Can the metaverse transfer these channels into a virtual world or is this still a dream of the future? The fact is: AR and VR are already being used as marketing channels in B2C. What potential does this have for B2B procurement?
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch
Mann mit VR-Brille
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Omnichannel News & Trends B2C  | 28 Aug 2023
Are AR and VR the future of online retail?
What will e-commerce look like in the next few years? If you think about this question, you can no longer avoid numerous articles on immersive technologies. Virtual reality and augmented reality are therefore not new topics that are driving the e-commerce industry. However, the question of how far developments have progressed and what concrete use could look like remains mostly unanswered - and this is exactly what we would like to answer in this article.
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch
Eine Frau sitzt lächelnd vor ihrem Laptop
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News & Trends  | 28 Aug 2023
What can interactive content really do?
Content is king - everyone working in marketing and beyond knows this by now. The relevance of content in communication strategies is therefore no longer questioned. However, a focus on content in the marketing strategy is no longer enough to be successful.
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch
Frau im Auto
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News & Trends Transformation B2C  | 28 Aug 2023
Connected Car
The automotive industry is currently changing faster than ever before. Several factors are driving this rapid transformation: the trend towards electromobility, digital B2B and B2C commerce via marketplaces, highly innovative competition from China, and previously neglected data management. These forces compel all market participants to rethink their existing processes. The last point is particularly crucial for long-term success, as data plays a central role in future business models.
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch
Mann fährt mit einem Auto durch den Stadtverkehr
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Transformation B2B  | 28 Aug 2023
"Customer centricity: good approach, but rarely thought through to the end."
In an exciting interview with renowned automotive expert Nils Radsak, we talked about the current challenges, opportunities and trends in the B2B environment of the automotive industry. Nils Radsak has driven digitalization for major brands such as Audi and now works as a consultant and lecturer for new business models and digital transformation.
Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch