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Total Experience  | 2 Jul 2024

Cookieless Future

Adapting to the new advertising world

Porträt von Leopold Blau
Leopold Blau

In our digital world, data protection and privacy are increasingly in the spotlight. Stricter data protection laws and a growing awareness of the protection of personal data are leading to a fundamental change in the digital advertising industry. Companies are being challenged to find creative new ways to adapt their marketing strategies as the common use of cookies in browsers becomes more and more restricted.  

The era without cookies: challenges and opportunities

The term “Cookieless Future” stands for an online world in which 3rd-party cookies in particular are no longer used to track user activity. This development is a direct response to the push for more data protection and better privacy settings. Major browser vendors such as Google, Apple and Mozilla have already taken steps to restrict the use of these cookies, forcing marketers to develop new methods of data collection and analysis. 

Adaptation strategies in marketing

The new restrictions on cookie usage challenge traditional marketing techniques, particularly in the areas of retargeting and personalized advertising. Marketers must increasingly rely on 1st-party data and on technological alternatives such as i.e. contextual advertising to eLectively reach their target groups and ensure the eLectiveness of their campaigns. 

Solutions and innovative adaptation strategies

Some market-leading companies have already developed eLective adaptation strategies to compensate for the loss of 3rd-party cookies. They use advanced technologies and methods that strengthen data protection while improving the customer experience. For example, they are increasingly relying on advanced data analytics to gain deeper insights into customer behavior from 1st-party data. These approaches allow them to create personalized experiences based on real user engagement rather than relying on invasive tracking methods.  

diva-e as a pioneer in the cookie-less era

In the rapidly changing world of digital data protection, diva-e is ready to provide you with competent support. We understand the technical and regulatory challenges of this new era and are here to not only keep your organization informed, but also positioned at the forefront of privacy-friendly practices. Rely on us to take full advantage of a changing advertising landscape and future-proof your business

Porträt von Leopold Blau

Leopold Blau

Leopold Blau joined diva-e in July 2023 as a Senior MarTech Consultant/Developer, where he uses his expertise in the Adobe services Adobe Launch and Adobe Target to optimize data collection and personalization. His holistic consulting in tracking projects and his commitment to the continuous improvement of processes make him a valuable member of the diva-e team.

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