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News & Trends  | 28 Aug 2023

What can interactive content really do?

Scrollytelling, quizze & co.

Porträt von Dorothee Haensch
Dorothee Haensch

Content is king - everyone working in marketing and beyond knows this by now. The relevance of content in communication strategies is therefore no longer questioned. However, a focus on content in the marketing strategy is no longer enough to be successful. It's no longer just about the quality of the content - it's also about the format. Today, the way in which companies interact with their target groups is more important than ever. One innovative method that has become increasingly important in recent years is the use of interactive content. Interactive content allows users to actively interact with the content instead of just passively consuming it. In this article, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of interactive content as a marketing tool.

Four examples of interactive content

The general definition of interactive content is: digital content in which users can actively participate instead of passively absorbing information. Interactive content can be played out in different formats: Surveys, quizzes, polls, games, calculators and interactive videos are just a few examples. What all interactive content formats have in common: They ask users to make decisions, carry out actions or react to content. To make this more tangible, we are focusing on four particularly exciting options for using interactive content in marketing.


“Scrollytelling” is made up of the words “scrolling” and “storytelling”. In marketing, scrollytelling is used as an interactive method for presenting digital content. By scrolling, users receive information that builds on each other, the narrative of which is similar to that of a narrated story. Text, images, videos, animations and other multimedia elements can be used to create an interactive and engaging narrative: New information and visual elements are activated when users scroll down. In this way, scrollytelling elements give recipients control over the flow of information and the pace of absorption. This type of digital content is particularly suitable for presenting complex information, product stories or brand messages in an engaging and easily digestible way. Scrollytelling content can help to keep users' attention, increase engagement and convey information more effectively.

Surveys and quizzes

Opinion and feedback surveys are a popular tool for activating users - just like online quizzes, they provide companies with data and information about their target group. Quizzes often even include the entertainment aspect. This gives them several advantages: they are entertaining and thus promote a positive perception of your brand. They also provide insights into the precise needs of your target group. Surveys and quizzes are suitable for lead generation as well as for collecting valuable information about your product, which can be used to further develop your services or new content formats. These formats can also help to convince prospects who are in the consideration and decision phase. On the other hand, users of surveys and quizzes benefit from the results.

Calculator and tools

Calculators and tools are extremely effective formats for interactive content marketing, as they offer users concrete and practical added value. Examples of calculators and calculator tools include ROI calculators, budget planners and calculators of all kinds - from mortgage calculators to interest calculators. This can increase the time spent on the website, encourage interaction and provide valuable data, as users of calculators are often already well advanced in the decision-making process. In addition, they can serve as lead generation tools, as users are often willing to provide their contact details to access the results.

When creating calculators and tools, it is important to ensure that they are user-friendly, intuitive and well-designed. Including clear instructions and explanations can help users use these tools and improve the user experience.

Simulators and virtual reality (VR)

Simulators and VR experiences offer users the opportunity to experience realistic simulations that can be used for product presentations, for example. These immersive experiences can have a very strong influence on the target group's purchasing decision and engagement: According to Statista, the AR advertising market in Germany is expected to be worth around EUR 172.8 million by the end of 2023. In Germany, the AR advertising market segment is currently experiencing a strong upswing as organizations and companies increasingly rely on immersive advertising formats.

In a global comparison, the highest revenue is expected in the USA, which is forecast to reach EUR 990.0 million by the end of 2023. Find out more about augmented reality as an e-commerce channel here.

The benefits of interactive content

Today, a large part of life takes place digitally - both professionally and privately. The result is often digital exhaustion among recipients. We all know it: the abundance of digital content means that our attention span is short and at some point we can no longer absorb the information. This digital fatigue is fatal for the success of content marketing - only those who reach their target group with content will achieve their marketing goals.

Greater customer loyalty

Interactive content attracts attention and encourages users to stay on a website for longer. This leads to a lower bounce rate and higher customer loyalty.

Better understanding of the target group

By analyzing user behavior and interactions, companies can gain valuable insights into the needs and preferences of their target group.

Successful lead generation

The collection of information in interactive content, such as quizzes and surveys, enables companies to generate qualified leads that can be used for marketing purposes.

More conversions

Interactive content can help to increase conversion potential. When users actively participate in the content, they are more likely to respond to calls to action.

Attention: Interactive content is only good if the implementation is right

Interactive content can work well if it is well thought out and implemented. To achieve this, a number of points and potential hurdles must be recognized and taken into account in advance.

Resources required:

Creating high-quality interactive content often requires more time, money and expertise compared to static content. This can be a major challenge for companies with limited resources.

Compatibility issues:

Interactive content may display differently on different devices and platforms. Ensuring a seamless experience for all users is not easy. It is important to ensure that content works well on mobile devices, tablets and desktops.

Visual saturation:

As interactive content becomes more popular, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. Companies need to find creative ways to ensure their interactive content is relevant and engaging.

Checklist for the implementation of successful interactive content formats

  • Understand your target group: Create content that is tailored to the needs and interests of your target group.

  • Easy navigation: Interactive content should be user-friendly and easy to use.

  • Mobile optimization: Make sure the content is optimally displayed on different devices, including smartphones and tablets

  • Clear call-to-actions: Clearly guide users on what steps they should take next.

  • Measure and analyze: Track the performance of your interactive content and use the findings to optimize it.

Conclusion: Interactive content - yes or no?

Interactive content has become an important content marketing tool and the Statista report mentioned above predicts a huge impact of interactive advertising content such as augmented and virtual reality in the future.

Dynamic content can strengthen customer loyalty, encourage greater interaction and provide valuable data to improve products and services. In a world where digital attention spans are often stretched, interactive content can help companies stand out from the competition - provided the formats are well executed.

Our experts at diva-e will be happy to support you in creating different content formats that reach your target group in a personalized way and sustainably increase your visibility on all relevant marketing channels. Find out more and get in touch here.

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Porträt von Dorothee Haensch

Dorothee Haensch

Dorothee Haensch has been a Senior Marketing Manager at diva-e since 2023. As an expert for content in the software sector, she gets to the bottom of the requirements of different industries and creates content that helps companies solve current problems and master future challenges.

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