On-Demand Webinar: Plan and Execute Digital Content Projects

Pimp your Project - How to Optimize Your Content Processes

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Pimp your Project - How to Optimize Your Content Processes

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Here's what you'll learn in the webinar:

From idea to digital reality: the execution of content projects needs to be well planned and even better executed. Because content is king and indispensable if companies want to position themselves online as experts or win the trust of their customers. Learn how to prepare your content project accordingly, what needs to be considered when creating text, and why text publication is not the end of the content project in our webinar.

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The speakers
Katharina Geile

Editorial Management Content Production

Katharina Geile has been responsible for the editorial conception and management of projects in the text area since 2011. Her responsibilities include topic and text concept, briefing, and training authors and colleagues. In her current role as editorial director, she draws on her expertise from almost 10 years in the content area and numerous successfully implemented projects.

Susanne Trost

Senior Project Manager

Susanne Trost has been managing complex content marketing projects at diva-e since 2015 and supports clients such as Mister Spex, Urlaubspiraten and Lieferando. As Project Manager and Head of Content Creation, her focus is on customer communication and planning large-volume and sophisticated campaigns for national and international companies.

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Transcript of the webinar: Planning and executing digital content projects

Presentation Susanne Trost and Katharina Geile

Susanne Trost: Yes, thank you, Angela. I would like to say a few words about myself. My name is Susanne Trost. I am Head of Project Management & Content Creation at diva-e. I've been with diva-e since 2015, and in this role, I'm responsible for managing various content marketing projects. In the past, I've looked after clients such as Urlaubspiraten or Lieferando, for example. Right, that's about me. Now to my colleague Katharina.

Katharina Geile: Exactly, yes. My name is Katharina Geile. I'm an editorial manager and have been with diva-e since 2011. And I am primarily responsible for the editorial conception and quality assurance in the projects. I will now very briefly present the agenda for our webinar. We have brought you a total of four agenda items today.

And we start with preparation. Why is it important? What needs to be considered before the start of the project, and so on. Then, in the second part, we go into kick-off and project management points before turning to the actual project phase in section three. And finally, we will talk about risk and conflict management. We would now like to take a short detour because we probably have listeners with different professional backgrounds and expectations. In principle, our webinar is intended for all interested parties, regardless of whether you are responsible for implementing a project yourself or whether you are deciding whether content creation should be done internally or outsourced. Many of the points we are talking about today can be applied to different situations and project models or constellations. However, the decision as to whether content creation should be outsourced or not is usually made at the very beginning. Of course, in-house design presupposes that sufficient resources and the necessary know-how are available internally.

Hiring an agency makes sense if the entire content production or parts are outsourced. Large volumes and different formats are also possible—for example, text, images or infographics. Many agencies also offer comprehensive support, from the initial content orbit to the development of the strategy and the final monitoring. This is especially helpful if no internal resources are available for content creation. If the strategic part, i.e. the framework, is already covered internally by employees, the agency then takes over, for example, project management, content production and quality assurance. Ideally, the agency also supports you in developing briefings optimizing workflows and has various formats in its product portfolio. And also very important, there is a personal contact person who then controls the other project participants as an interface and delivers the finished content to the client.

Hiring an agency makes sense if the entire content production or parts are outsourced. Large volumes and different formats are also possible—for example, text, images or infographics. Many agencies also offer comprehensive support, from the initial content orbit to the development of the strategy and the final monitoring. This is especially helpful if no internal resources are available for content creation. If the strategic part, i.e. the framework, is already covered internally by employees, the agency then takes over, for example, project management, content production and quality assurance. Ideally, the agency also supports you in developing briefings optimizing workflows and has various formats in its product portfolio. And also very important, there is a personal contact person who then controls the other project participants as an interface and delivers the finished content to the client.

The assignment of a text exchange differs in a few essential points. If text content is created or a tiny budget is available, and a briefing, topics and keywords have already been defined, the content can be purchased on a text exchange. However, it must be mentioned that additional internal resources are necessary to place the orders, communicate with the copywriters, monitor the deadlines, and possibly take over the content's editing. Other service providers usually have to be commissioned for graphics, images, or videos.

The third option is to outsource text creation to a freelancer. This is particularly suitable if only a small amount of individual content is required. In this case, the client is also in direct contact with the editor or, for example, the graphic designer. For now, I'll hand over to Susanne for the topic of preparation.

Susanne Trost: Exactly. Thank you very much so far. I would now like to say a bit about the preparation. So, the part where it then goes into the actual project. (6 sec.) Exactly, so in general what we can say about preparation. Basically, preparation is everything. That's a kind of guiding principle that we always preach to our customers in quotation marks. That's why there's actually not much more on this slide. Because it is so important for us to convey that good project preparation is really super essential. Even though many people already know this, the reality is often different. The client wants to get started straight away and move on to implementation. As a private individual, I can totally understand that, because I always feel the same way. If I want something and then decide to do it, I want it to be done right away. But we at the agency have found that the more time you invest up front, the better the results will be at the end. And even if you start a few days later, or even weeks later, it doesn't mean that you will necessarily complete the project later. It simply means that the project is more straightforward or less stressful. At this point, you always have to see the project as a whole. However, we at the agency have also experienced a few typical counterexamples. For example, at the start of the project, the input was not yet complete, or some briefing points were unclear. But we were supposed to start anyway. And in these cases, the content, i.e. specifically the texts, did not turn out as desired. And that meant more work for everyone involved.

My former boss used to say shit in, shit out about these situations. And I think that sums it up quite well, or rather it applies quite well here. That's why our urgent recommendation, or request, is to always make sure you are well prepared and really take your time. Here on the slide, we will now take a look at what you should prepare for and how. We have defined four areas for this. The first area that you should think about is the area of company goals and KPIs.

This is all about asking yourself: does my company have overarching goals? How does my content project fit into this? What goals should the content achieve? Or which KPIs are being used as a basis? The KPIs can be, for example: rankings, conversions, or even likes and shares. Because only if the content really contributes to an overarching strategy will the project be relevant to the company. Which in turn is also good, because if you can then demonstrate success with it, you will also collect good arguments for future projects, for example to obtain project budget for future projects. The second area is content and format requirements.

The point here is to give your editor or the agency, or even yourself, a picture of what you have in mind for content. And questions that you ask yourself in this context are, for example: Are there concrete ideas, i.e. do I have concrete ideas? Are there perhaps sample texts that I have seen somewhere that contain things that I like in terms of tonality or structure, which can then be used as a basis? Are there any other specific briefing requirements or corporate language guidelines? For example, what could be a blacklist of words that must not be used? In other words, everything that can really be compiled in advance. But also which target group should actually be reached? In other words, which target group is relevant for the texts? Finally, you should ask yourself how the content will be entered into the CMS. This is also something that many people often forget. Depending on the CMS, different text elements and modules can be displayed here. For example, if your text cannot display tables, then you don't need to brief them. The last two categories or fields relate more to the project process and also influence each other to some extent.

In the third area, Project scope and deadlines, you can specify the time frame in which the project is to be completed, for example. Are there already fixed deadlines? Are there go-live dates? But also vacations for yourself or colleagues. And you should ask yourself directly, are my timing ideas really realistic?

The project team is of course also important for a content project. Here we can see the different roles that can be relevant in a content project. The project team is put together individually depending on the scope of the project or the requirements. Not all roles are necessary in every project. Possible roles include, for example, the project manager, who in most cases plays a very central role. Then there are also employees from the editorial department, such as editors or proofreaders, content managers and so on. The diagram here shows a constellation that could exist between client and agency. And what you can also see quite clearly is that there really is a main person responsible on both sides. On the agency side, it is now the project manager who monitors the workflow and manages the project team. And on the client side, in our example, it is the online marketing manager, the main person responsible in a team with different roles. However, it is also possible that there is only one person in a company who does everything. Then it makes more sense to outsource. But it can also be the other way around, where a team shares the tasks. So both have advantages and disadvantages. I just think it's important that if several people are involved, it should be clear who is in charge. In principle, however, some roles or tasks can be assigned to both sides. It always depends a bit on the capacity and level of knowledge. Exactly. Now we come to the actual start of the project, the kick-off date and project management.

A project between agency and client usually starts with a kick-off. What is that anyway? A kick-off meeting is basically a framework in which we discuss what I said on the previous slides. That would be goals, expectations and deadlines. This is an opportunity to provide the agency's client with all the important information. At the same time, the agency can ask specific questions. And this is where it usually becomes apparent where there may still be a gap that needs to be clarified. The results of this kick-off meeting then form the basis for the rest of the project, so to speak.

Who is actually involved in such a kick-off? So who are the participants? Basically, all the people who are actively involved and responsible are present at the meeting. For example, this could be contact persons on the client side, responsible editors, project managers as just mentioned, of course, but also category managers and product managers. On the other hand, there are also people who do not have to be involved, such as graphic designers or programmers. Because these people have clearly defined tasks. Here on the slide we can see the different forms of a kick-off meeting. The first option is by email. This form is actually best for follow-up projects, i.e. when those involved in the project already know each other and certain agreements on briefings, expectations and so on have already been made. This is a really quick and easy way to exchange information and get the project off to a good start.

The second option is actually the most common variant, by telephone or, of course, increasingly by web conference. In this context, of course, it is mainly about making important agreements on briefings, delivery rhythms, etc.. At the same time, it's a bit more personal. You can get to know the people involved in the project, which in turn is often helpful for a successful collaboration if you know each other a little better and will be working together for longer. After the phone call, however, the most important results should be summarized again in writing and then sent to the group. So that everyone is really on the same page.

The third option is a workshop. In my opinion, a workshop is a good idea for more complex projects, for extensive projects, when larger project teams come together, or even if there is still more to be worked out strategically or conceptually. It's a great opportunity to get creative together. Due to the large number of participants and the often full agenda, it is also important to take minutes afterwards and make them available to everyone. Exactly. Here we see again the various documents that should be available at the start of the project.

So a delivery schedule with all relevant deadlines, briefing with all requirements for the texts, and also input from customers. So all these documents should always be up to date, ideally also approved by the client. This ensures that everyone involved really agrees on a basis and that there are no misunderstandings afterwards because there are countless different versions. We have summarized all the points in a checklist here. You can also take another look at the checklist at your leisure afterwards. It can also be used to prepare for or follow up on a kick-off meeting to make sure that nothing has been forgotten. But that's not all. So everything that was discussed, everything that was determined, can then be summarized again in a project plan. So all the information discussed is bundled here, so to speak. Responsibilities, topics and deadlines are then entered here. In this way, everyone involved in the project has a transparent overview.

As far as the specific choice of project management tool is concerned, I don't think there is one solution that fits everything. It depends a bit on various factors. On the one hand, the size of the project, how much content, how many formats, but also a bit of your own taste. So what kind of person am I, and what kind of team is my team? How does that fit in with the team? In my opinion, you have to try out what suits and appeals to you. For example, I personally like Excel, which is very structured and clear. I like that. It's also good for projects with large amounts of text. In contrast, if you want to create editorially demanding individual texts where several people are involved and need to give feedback, then tools such as Jira or Trello may score more points. You can also attach files, for example, and so on. So it always depends a bit. You just have to try it out for yourself.

When creating a project plan, we have three important tips. Firstly, plan realistically. For example, if you promise the agency or internal editor that they will receive feedback from you within a day, but the colleague who is also supposed to provide feedback is still involved in another project, it will probably be difficult. So it's better to plan a buffer and then be quicker. That is the positive case.

Secondly, allow for coordination texts and feedback. So it can happen that a coordination text goes back and forth a few times at the beginning like a ping-pong until you have the ideal basic texts for the project, so to speak. I don't think that's a bad thing at all, in fact it's a good thing. Because the overall effort is then much less. It's just important to allow enough time for the coordination phase.

The third part is that even the best project plan is useless if it is never updated. So the project plan basically has to live and adapt to the project. Exactly. In an ongoing project, regular status meetings are also a good idea. What regular means is best discussed individually in the project team. If you have a tight schedule, I would recommend sticking to a weekly rhythm. Because even if you think you don't have anything to discuss, you will clarify some points in the meeting that will in turn drive the project forward. That's always the case in my experience. Possible agenda items can be, for example, feedback on texts that have already been delivered, the next concrete steps, on which topics texts should be created, or also which follow-up projects are pending. Exactly. You can also see the entire workflow of a project on this slide. I've already said something about exchange and communication. And Katharina would now also go into the areas of coordination, creation and QA. And with that, I'll hand over to her.

Katharina Geile: Exactly. Yes, we have now arrived at the project phase, and therefore at the actual implementation of the content project. Here you can see the typical stages of the project phase. In an ideal project, we start with a briefing and coordination phase, followed by quality assurance. As we will see in a moment, this plays a more frequent role. It continues with the test phase and feedback. The creation of the content and its delivery then form the conclusion. In general, this entire phase should not be viewed in a purely linear fashion. The individual sections are definitely interlinked and are sometimes very closely connected. Exactly.

So we start with the briefing and voting phase. Here I will focus on the points of briefing creation and coordination texts. The briefing is a central, if not the central, document in a content project because it bundles all project requirements related to the content. It is important that the briefing is approved by the client so that it is binding as the basis for content creation. The briefing should also be as detailed and specific as possible so that the content later meets the client's expectations as precisely as possible. That's why you can invest a lot of time here. Depending on the complexity, it makes sense to create different briefings, for example for different content formats, or to create a checklist that summarizes the important points again, or the most important points clearly and at a glance. This is useful for very complex briefings. And it is also important that the briefing is always up to date throughout the course of the project and is of course available to everyone involved in the project. Exactly.

On this slide, you can see the key building blocks that we believe are essential for a good content briefing. The points can of course be expanded as required for the specific project, depending on the scope of the requirements and complexity. The main focus here is on the minimum requirements. This includes the target group and objective, i.e. considerations such as who reads the texts at all, how does the target group characterize itself, what is the actual objective of the content? The content format is also an essential part of the briefing. Are product descriptions being created, or are we talking about buying guides or blog texts? There are specific requirements depending on the format. Formal requirements include specifications such as text length and structure, as well as points such as how to address the reader. Style and tonality includes CI specifications from the customer, blacklist or whitelist for prohibited or desirable terms. And also a description of the desired tonality that is as clear as possible. Very specific examples definitely help here. Exactly. Under content, you will find the main points of content that should be set or aspects that should not be addressed. And the SEO guidelines summarize how the content should be optimized. In addition to the relevant keywords and their integration, specifications on W questions, for example, also play a role. We generally recommend Word or PowerPoint for the preparation briefings. If you are interested, you are welcome to contact us again afterwards and we will be happy to provide you with an appropriate example.

And as a little tip, it is definitely practical and advisable to create a master template, because you can then customize it for the new project or any new content format that is added without this great initial effort. Yes, the coordination texts are the basis for the briefing and are therefore actually still upstream. The aim is to create a common basis of expectations. At the same time, the coordination texts are also used to select suitable authors and editors, as well as to train them at the very beginning.

For editors who may only join the project later on, the coordination texts provide good orientation and increase the likelihood that their texts will fit right away. And the texts can also show early on which stumbling blocks can occur during content creation, such as inaccuracies, input or challenges during research, or even hurdles during text creation. Yes, this brings us to another very central point in the project phase, namely quality assurance.

We have outlined the process for you here that ensures quality in content projects, even for large volumes. We call this process the 6-eyes principle. This means that the editor is at the beginning and is of course responsible for creating the text in the first instance. He then passes the baton to the proofreader, who checks the content against the relevant criteria. In addition to briefing conformity and content, this naturally also includes basics such as spelling and grammar. You can also see the role of the co-editor on the slide. Depending on the complexity, topic and requirements, it can definitely make sense to sometimes involve another proofreader. However, it is always important that the tasks are clearly assigned. For example, one editor could check the content because he or she is an expert on the perhaps very specific topic. The other editor then checks the other things such as spelling, briefing conformity and so on. As a last resort, another person involved in the project takes over the final quality assurance. In our case, this is someone from our team who is also familiar with the project and takes another careful look at the texts. And also carries out a final spell check. Quality assurance also includes a plagiarism check for each text. We use the Copyscape tool, for example. Yes, this means that internal quality assurance follows on seamlessly from the preliminary work of the editor and proofreader. It also serves as a quasi-final quality loop before the content is delivered.

However, in addition to this very specific work on the text, quality assurance also generally involves processes and formats that maintain quality at a constant level. Quality assurance actually begins before the start with the briefing of the authors, with concrete text feedback during the coordination phase. This also shows, for example, whether the team of authors needs to be restructured. Input also plays a decisive role at the start. As Susanne said earlier, if it is well prepared and complete, it definitely has a decisive influence on the quality of the results and also on the workflow and effectiveness of the project. For this reason, the input should of course always be subjected to careful quality assurance before starting. An input template can be used here, which is filled out by the client and again structures the necessary information well and clearly.

If you are interested, we will be happy to provide you with another template or example afterwards. Yes, feedback to the editors is the second point. Of course, this is not only important at the start, it actually accompanies the entire course of the project. The quality of the content must be checked regularly. Briefing violations are followed up immediately and the author receives detailed feedback. If briefing violations become more frequent or it becomes apparent that the quality is not sufficient for the project, the editor should rather be excluded from the project before even more time has to be invested in feedback loops. And the same applies to the editors, of course. For the sake of completeness, we have included the briefing on the slide again. But I'll skip this point because I've already touched on it.

We have now noted two more ways to train the project team and thus ensure quality or optimize it even further. The first is webinars, which allow you to reach many people at the same time, even if they work at different locations. Depending on the duration and complexity of the project, an initial webinar may be enough to discuss open questions and go through the briefing again together. For other projects, a monthly rhythm can be useful, for example, to discuss regular feedback. Workshops are particularly common for very long-term projects or are a good idea if the project participants are also on site together. The next stage in a project is called the test phase and feedback.

The client's feedback now plays a central role here. The main purpose of the coordination phase is to develop a common understanding of the content and thus create the basis for a successful project. And the client's feedback is important for this, especially at the beginning. In this context, three points are actually crucial for us. Firstly, the feedback should be specific. Because concrete and well-founded feedback on the text ensures that it is implemented as desired. This means that the more specific the comments are, the easier and quicker it is to make adjustments. Feedback such as “I don't like it” or “it sounds funny” doesn't really help the editor. Secondly, the feedback should be consolidated. This is because consolidated feedback is easier and quicker to implement than individual comments from different people, which may be communicated at different times. This is why feedback should first be collected from all departments by a main person responsible before it is passed on to the freelancer or agency, or even to the editor. And thirdly, the feedback should be prompt and continuous. Even if the customer's feedback is particularly important for the continuation of the project at the beginning, regular and prompt feedback is also important in the further course of the project so that it is possible to react to change requests at short notice and the briefing can also be adapted. Especially with large volumes of text, the important or necessary measures can be taken in good time before a lot of time has to be invested in revising very, very large volumes of text.

I would like to briefly touch on one aspect that we are often confronted with when it comes to feedback: subjectivity. You always have to bear in mind that texts are always subjective and simply a matter of taste. There can be many different opinions on individual formulations or even individual words, as we all know that tastes differ. The important thing here is not to weigh every word on the gold scales and to put your own taste to one side if necessary. And above all, always keep the target group and the objectives of the content in mind. Yes, that brings us to the final stage of the project, the creation and delivery of the content.

The finished content is created on the basis of the process just outlined and delivered on time according to the editorial plan. Depending on the scope of the project and the amount of content, different delivery rhythms are advisable. For small volumes of text or very current topics, for example, weekly deliveries make sense. For large volumes and if the processes are already very well established, a monthly rhythm can also be expedient. In any case, it is important that there is a continuous delivery cycle, including regular text deliveries. After all, a single large delivery of all texts at the end of the project can run the risk of resulting in extensive revisions. Delivery can take place in a wide variety of formats. Word and Excel with HTML text, and so on, are the most common. Depending on the project, however, the content is also entered directly into the customer's CMS. With that, I'll briefly return to Susanne, who will conclude by taking a closer look at the topic of risk and conflict management.

Susanne Trost: Exactly. Thank you very much. Yes, so I've actually brought a slightly less pleasant topic with me at the end, but we don't want to let it fall by the wayside. And that is risks and conflicts. Nobody likes to think about this at the start of a project, but it's simply part of professional project management. It's important to know that everything we, Katharina and I, have presented so far is really a best case. So this is an ideal process with ideal procedures et cetera. But we are all human beings and not robots that carry out a process one-to-one. And that's not a bad thing at all. Because mistakes happen, we forget things, we are dependent on others, misunderstandings occur. It can all happen. What's more important is how you deal with it.

On the following slide, however, we will first take a look at typical warning signs and their causes for potential crises in projects. I'm not going to go into every single one of them, but just give examples of individual points. Exactly. The first sign of a crisis can be, for example, when the project stalls. This may be because the motivation of the project team as a whole is declining. If we look at why motivation is falling and then investigate the causes, it could be that the workload is significantly higher than originally agreed and that people are no longer as motivated as a result. But it could also be that the briefing is frequently adjusted, which makes people a little weary. Because the client, in turn, is dissatisfied and this then also manifests itself in negative feedback.

In general, you can see that the factors often influence each other. And it's not always just one point. All in all, however, I believe that many of these causes can be traced back to a lack of preparation or initial time investment and can therefore be avoided. We have now looked at the warning signs, but more importantly, on the following slide we will now look at how to deal with crises and possibly even avoid them. We actually recommend three steps when dealing with project crises. In other words, identifying the situation, refocusing and then implementing concrete measures.

Stage one is a kind of stocktaking, so to speak. Where does the project stand, where should it actually be? Where has it come to a standstill? And once you have identified these situations, or have grasped the situation, then please don't go into a retrospective woulda, woulda, bike chain, what if, what could have been here and there and assigning blame. Instead, really accept the situation at this point and find a solution together as a team. This brings us to phase two, i.e. reorientation and setting new milestones. So simply set new milestones in the current situation and adapt the goals to the current status. Phase three is then about concrete implementation, i.e. who does what and when, and then implementing it.

Here we have summarized tips for working together as equals. So I think we've already said enough about one or two aspects such as time and communication. But what I would like to share with you is a good basic idea: you really are a team with a common goal in the project. Whether with your colleagues, with freelancers or even with the agency. This basically means that the other person always wants exactly the same thing as you at the end of the day. I think that sounds really simple, and it actually is, but you always forget it. And you should always remind yourself of that. So talk to each other, trust each other, be honest and respectful. And then even if something does go wrong and you really have a good basis with each other, at least everyone will feel good about it if something does go wrong.

And last but not least, we come to an instrument that is unfortunately often neglected: the project review. Because the texts are delivered, the project is over, and then that's probably it. That's what many people think. But actually, that's not quite the case. So, we recommend a review either at the end of a project or after the completion of more complex sub-projects. That would also be a good time. Why? To discuss what went well or what could have been different or better. In this way, you can learn lessons for follow-up projects or work through conflicts again. At the same time, it is also a nice, emotional conclusion to the project, and provides a framework again and doesn't just end abruptly with the delivery. Exactly. Speaking of conclusion, this slide actually brings us to the end of the webinar, or at least the presentation part. And I would then hand over to you again, Angela.

Angela Meyer: With pleasure. Yes, thank you Katharina and Susanne for your insights on content creation and content optimization. We will now start the Q&A session, and participants are welcome to ask their questions now via the question bots. Or also afterwards. And as long as the participants are typing in the questions, I'll start with a short survey to our participants on how they optimize their content. Are you already a diva-e customer? Or do you use other tools? We just want to get a brief overview, and that's why I'm starting a short survey. It would be great if you could just take a few seconds to answer how you optimize your content. We'll wait a few seconds. The first participants have already completed the survey. In the meantime, I'll take a look at the questions that have come in here. I'll pick them up right after the short survey. Let's wait another ten seconds, then I'll end the short survey. Thank you very much for your participation. And yes, now I'll start with the first questions that came in. And then there was the question of how you choose the authors for the projects.

Angela Meyer: With pleasure. Yes, thank you Katharina and Susanne for your insights on content creation and content optimization. We will now start the Q&A session, and participants are welcome to ask their questions now via the question bots. Or also afterwards. And as long as the participants are typing in the questions, I'll start with a short survey to our participants on how they optimize their content. Are you already a diva-e customer? Or do you use other tools? We just want to get a brief overview, and that's why I'm starting a short survey. It would be great if you could just take a few seconds to answer how you optimize your content. We'll wait a few seconds. The first participants have already completed the survey. In the meantime, I'll take a look at the questions that have come in here. I'll pick them up right after the short survey. Let's wait another ten seconds, then I'll end the short survey. Thank you very much for your participation. And yes, now I'll start with the first questions that came in. And then there was the question of how you choose the authors for the projects.


Katharina Geile: Yes, how do we select the authors? Well, yes, we always select the editors for each new project individually according to their specialist knowledge or criteria such as writing style. Many authors have been working for us for a very, very long time and have supported us in several projects. Based on our experience, we naturally know who is a good fit and we regularly exchange ideas with each other. In our editorial system, we also have the option of filtering the pool of authors according to criteria such as subject area, level of knowledge and so on. We can also search for very specific topics, which we call niche topics. For very specific specialist topics and if a long-term or large-volume project is planned, we also acquire new authors. And then we set up a virtual editorial team for the specific project. Yes, and for each new project, we also write one or more texts for the authors we request, which we initially look at and give feedback on. So it's actually similar to the approval texts that we then send to the customer. And if something doesn't fit, or the customer doesn't like the author's style, for example, we involve them accordingly. In general, we also have an upstream selection process that new authors have to go through before they are allowed to register with us and are then requested by us for projects. I hope that answers the question as far as possible.

Angela Meyer: Exactly, I hope so too. Otherwise, I would be happy to come back to you personally. So, another question came in here.

Susanne Trost: Exactly, it's actually quite common for customers to have not yet developed a proper content strategy. And we can basically support them with this too. If no strategic considerations have really taken place yet, then we usually recommend carrying out an audit as a first step and starting with that. Because that's always a really good way to get a feel for where we are right now and where we want to go. So the content audit that we offer basically analyzes the existing content that already exists in some form. This can also be in printed flyers. In other words, content that can be found somewhere in some form. This is then compared with the requirements of the market and the competition. So there is also a competitive check. And this comparison usually shows where there are still gaps, where we need to create more content, where we can use existing content. But also which channels, which formats do we want to use with which goals? We definitely offer to provide support in this area and develop a strategy together, so to speak. Yes.

Angela Meyer: You are welcome to ask further questions or write an email afterwards. Or you can contact Andrea or Susanne. Both are open to all your questions and are happy to discuss the topic of content creation and optimization with you. As already mentioned, we will also make the recording and presentation available afterwards. You will then have time to watch everything again at your leisure. I would like to draw your attention to our diva-e Blueprint, which we are making available as a PDF and also as a book. There you can delve deeper into the topic of content optimization. This is a guide for your content marketing strategy. And you can pre-register at diva-e.com Blueprint, and after the release we will send you the Blueprint as a PDF or as a book. Exactly. Now a note about our other webinars. We organize weekly webinars about SEO, SEA content or e-commerce platforms. We look forward to your participation, and you are welcome to drop by our newsroom, where we regularly announce our webinars. Now thank you two, thank you Susanne and thank you Katharina for your time. And thank you to the participants for taking part. And right, I'm looking forward to the next one.

Susanne Trost: Thank you very much.

Katharina Geile: Thank you very much.

Angela Meyer: Thank you too. Bye.

Katharina Geile: Bye.

Susanne Trost: Bye.