Our services in the field of

Cloud Consulting

Strategic alignment of your IT infrastructure

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Strategic alignment of your IT infrastructure

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Digital success with Cloud Computing

In times of advancing digitalization, Cloud Computing is the dominant IT infrastructure for modern system architectures. Cloud providers today offer the most flexible and modern services for most of the building blocks required in a system architecture. diva-e complements Cloud Computing with the right consulting and supports customers with comprehensive expertise in the areas of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. With our Cloud Consulting Unit, we develop individual digital solutions to achieve your business goals. As a partner, we show you the possibilities you have with the technology and how you can benefit from it.

What are the benefits of using a cloud?


Adaptation to your requirements


Effortless expansion of capacity

Cost efficiency

No hardware costs thanks to cloud solution


Installation and maintenance by cloud provider

Cloud consulting strategically aligned

In contrast to classic hosting offerings, which only offer IaaS services, Cloud Computing increases the planning effort for solutions and IT landscapes. diva-e offers a complete Cloud Consulting Service, providing the necessary consulting services for designing the appropriate cloud strategy with regard to the goals of the respective customer. We strategically align your cloud initiative and support it with a custom-fit and secure architecture, which we develop in a modern and agile process. Of course, we also check whether on-premise might be the right solution for you.

The cloud consulting offering in detail

A company's or department's cloud initiative always begins with an analysis of its Cloud Maturity. This is not only about which cloud technologies a company already uses and masters, but also about the extent to which the company has already established cloud-relevant operating and delivery models in its organization. The Cloud Maturity Analysis also shows which next aspects of cloud adoption a company should aim for.

The choice of cloud strategy depends on various factors. The focus is on the quality, the right selection and the costs of the services offered by the provider. However, other framework conditions of the partnership with the cloud provider are also very important. Large companies in particular also send an important message to their market when selecting a cloud provider for company-wide applications.

Solution Architecture plays a key role in the implementation of applications in the cloud or their migration to the cloud. Services are selected based on the current and desired Cloud Maturity along numerous factors and optimization vectors:

  • Features of the services offered

  • Time to market

  • Costs

  • Performance

  • Tool support for operation

  • Alternative architectures, e.g. Vendor Cloud Native vs. Kubernetes Cloud Native

The decisions made when planning the solution architecture lay the foundation for the quality of the application over the entire application lifecycle. In addition to service selection, scaling, distribution and performance, cloud native development as well as monitoring, logging and alerting also play a role.

Ensuring data and application security requires significantly more control and organization in cloud scenarios. Cloud architectures are typically much more heterogeneous than on-premise architectures. They have more public endpoints, for example, whose security must be clearly organized and properly implemented. Our cloud security planning and reviews ensure that applications and data in the cloud are perfectly secured in your project.

The migration of existing on-premise solutions to cloud environments is generally a complex project. Various scenarios can be used here, from the so-called LiftAndShift method, which translates existing architectures into IaaS cloud architectures, to various cloud-native target architectures. Our Cloud Migration analysis compares these options for your initiative and determines the optimal strategy.

Cost planning and control is not easy in cloud environments. While scaling options are very useful and functional, cloud providers typically charge a lot for them. In this jungle of options, we help you to find the optimal pricing strategy for your solution. For example, price advantages through ReservedInstances or AutoShutdown - e.g. of Dev and TEST systems overnight or at weekends.

For each individual cloud initiative, but also for a company's overall cloud strategy, underlying IT governance is the basis for the correct handling of applications. Our governance experts will help you to adapt your IT governance to the specific requirements in the cloud and implement it accordingly.

What is IaaS?

Infrastructure as a Service. Here, classic data center services are offered as a service and backed up with corresponding Service Level Agreements (SLAs). The customer therefore concludes a contract with the provider. In a cloud infrastructure, IaaS refers to the lowest layers (compute, networking, storage). However, some service providers already offer operating systems and basic services such as web servers as IaaS.

Planning a cloud initiative

Brief overview of fields of activity

The planning of a major cloud initiative requires the following tasks to be completed:

The foundation for these consulting services is provided by our many years of experience from numerous successful cloud projects in Germany with Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS, our large arsenal of certified cloud professionals and our partnerships with leading cloud and PaaS providers.

What is SaaS?

Software as a Service. The customer does not purchase a license, but pays for the services they consume. In the vast majority of cases, the offer is linked to provision as a web service, so there is no "on-premise" installation. A good example of a SaaS offering is Microsoft Teams.

FAQs about Cloud Consulting

To ensure successful Cloud Computing, you need a suitable cloud strategy. We create a roadmap that will get you to your goal quickly. The first step is to find the right cloud and decide whether a public, private or hybrid cloud is the right solution. As part of the cloud strategy, cloud readiness is analyzed and suitable services are selected. Furthermore, diva-e is responsible for the transition and implementation of the final solution. In this context, the cloud experts also examine security and risk aspects and create a customized target architecture.

In a modern data center, data is secured threefold and additionally protected by air conditioning, redundant power supply and many other precautions. Cloud security guarantees your data the highest level of security.

Compliance with the GDPR is a key selection criterion for the cloud provider. There are already many cloud providers that have GDPR certification and therefore guarantee data protection.

The cloud provider must have a certified data center with a server location in Germany or another European country and provide qualified personnel. Only then will the data be managed in accordance with German or European data protection laws. A cloud infrastructure should offer you a reliable security architecture. It must be guaranteed that data protection and data security have priority. It is also important to know the specifications according to which the cloud is managed. ITIL, for example, is a standard that guarantees the quality of processes. With the First Colo brand, diva-e has its own IT infrastructure provider that operates high-availability data centers at German and European server locations.

With on-premise, you remain the master of your data on your own server. This means you have access to software and hardware at all times. Although you cannot customize the cloud immediately, you can act flexibly and are not dependent on your local capacities. Installations and updates are carried out automatically. A hybrid cloud solution offers agility, as it allows companies to combine public and private clouds with internal company resources.

Basically, the two options are very different from each other and the decisive factor should not be the costs, but the needs of your company. The fact is: unlike the long-term capital commitment of an on-premise solution, cloud services have ongoing costs that are flexible and variable.

As the Service Cloud offers maximum reliability, security and scalability, back-office applications can be integrated effortlessly. It is also possible to integrate all known telephone systems. In this way, you can expand your customer service processes and meet not only your own business requirements, but also those of the customer.

What is PaaS?

The acronym PaaS stands for Platform as a Service and refers to a cloud provider such as Google App Engine, which provides development environments, development tools and runtime environments for new applications. PaaS is, so to speak, the link between "Software as a Service" (SaaS) and "Infrastructure as a Service" (IaaS). The solution is primarily aimed at developers and programmers, as the cloud infrastructure provides a perfect basis for the development, execution, customization and management of software applications, programs and APIs. Depending on the provider, Platform as a Service includes infrastructure components and hardware such as servers, storage and network elements and provides a complete development and deployment environment in the cloud.

Business intelligence, database management systems and middleware are also components of PaaS. Users can also use PaaS-integrated software components and gain access to all important resources.

PaaS maps the complete web application lifecycle, so to speak, including testing, creation, deployment and management. The solutions on the platform either come from third-party providers or are in-house developments by the cloud provider. These offer customers the opportunity to develop web applications or programming interfaces quickly and easily, for example. Customers decide which programming language, such as Java, they want to work with. Integrated workflows simplify configurations and development processes. The effort required for app and software development is reduced thanks to cloud features such as high availability, scalability and multi-instance capability.

PaaS offers various services. These include fully managed and scalable cloud databases, point-and-click application creation, multilingual support and software development kits. PaaS is cloud-native, modular and the platform is based on an architecture of micro-services and containers. This makes it possible to fully exploit the flexibility of scalability and cost management as well as the cloud reach in the context of "pay-as-you-grow". IPaaS is an extension of PaaS and the abbreviation for Integration Platform as a Service. This cloud solution also networks your processes, systems and applications with each other.

Design and operation of the e-commerce platform based on Intershop in the Azure Cloud.
Online marketplace for groceries: We are creating an adaptable platform for the retail giant EDEKA Nord
diva-e and dmTECH set new standards in software development and digital consulting.
With over 140 experiments and the smart control of "Next Best Actions", we play out complex personalization and test campaigns.
diva-e begleitet Weleda seit mehreren Jahren auf dem Weg der digitalen Transformation. Als großer Meilenstein der Digitaloffensive ging im Februar 2024 der Online-Shop in Deutschland live.
diva-e creates a unique B2B ordering experience through the online platform of the global glass market leader.
FC Bayern Munich
Digital Champions League: The German championship record holder wows fans worldwide with tailor-made digital experiences.
Optimal user experience for the customer
Design and operation of the e-commerce platform based on Intershop in the Azure Cloud.
Online marketplace for groceries: We are creating an adaptable platform for the retail giant EDEKA Nord
diva-e and dmTECH set new standards in software development and digital consulting.
With over 140 experiments and the smart control of "Next Best Actions", we play out complex personalization and test campaigns.
diva-e begleitet Weleda seit mehreren Jahren auf dem Weg der digitalen Transformation. Als großer Meilenstein der Digitaloffensive ging im Februar 2024 der Online-Shop in Deutschland live.
diva-e creates a unique B2B ordering experience through the online platform of the global glass market leader.
FC Bayern Munich
Digital Champions League: The German championship record holder wows fans worldwide with tailor-made digital experiences.
Optimal user experience for the customer
Gemüseabteilung in einem Supermarkt
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Gemüseabteilung in einem Supermarkt
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